Info Bytes 06.09.22
CIC Info Bytes are frequent, succinct updates that provide educational and engagement opportunities to help your community thrive!
The Latest
VIEW CIC Education and Research Survey Results
77% of CICs survey residents less than annually or never
74% of CICs have not established formal education and/or training for homeowners and volunteers
73% of CICs have no budget dedicated to education and/or training
92% of CICs purchase education and/or training resources less than annually or never
100% of CICs dedicate less than 1% of their annual budget to education and/or training
Blog, News & Discussion
Thanks to a special session and a hefty dose of prior effort, the Florida legislature came together with bipartisan support to pass a sweeping set of condominium safety and insurance reforms (Senate Bills 2-D and 4-D) that were signed into law by Governor DeSantis on Thursday, May 26, 2022.
READ this summary of new requirements + A Major Move Forward in Safety by The Miami Herald
Governance Matters
FINAL REMINDER for WA State CICs re: Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging
HB1793 becomes effective JUNE 9, 2022
Read a nicely formatted copy of the bill's text on our EV Charging page
Resource Updates
CIC Rules: 8 Commandments for Development and Enforcement
Significantly expanded with additional context and references
CIC State Statute Database Project
We need YOUR help to create a comprehensive CIC state statute database
Please contact us!
Discussion Highlights
Due Process & Rules After the Fact
Chaos ensues when CICs attempt to enforce after-the-fact application processes for prior improvements
Many CICs fail to reconcile their surpluses and deficits on an annual basis
LEARN MORE on our Surplus Funds page. Show me the money!
Movies in the Park? GET A LICENSE!
Even if you own the DVD or Blu-Ray, public showings of copyrighted works comes at a cost
+++ Have a question that you'd like to ask directly to your peers? Ask YOUR listserv! +++
Homeowners | Volunteer Leaders | Managers & Management Companies | Vendors
A Note About Ukraine
The people of Ukraine are undergoing tremendous displacement from their homes coupled with loss of life, tragedy and suffering. You can pledge to support the people of Ukraine in 30 seconds and learn more about ways to provide direct support to organizations making a difference there.
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