When is the last time your association conducted a satisfaction survey of your owners and residents?
You will find a number of helpful example questions below, but before you jump to writing questions, take a few minutes to consider your objectives and review some best practices before formalizing your product for dissemination:
WHAT is the purpose of the survey?
If any questions relate to specific outcomes, does your Board expect to take action with respect to the majority opinion?
WHO is the intended audience? Consider: 1) respondents (owners, tenants, or both) and 2) persons who view results
WHAT tool will be used to administer the survey? Google Forms, MS Forms, SurveyMonkey, built-in CIC portal survey tool, etc.
HOW will the survey be disseminated? Physical mail, flyers with QR codes, email, push notifications, etc.
HOW long will respondents have to complete the survey? One week, two weeks, four weeks, etc.
WHO will compile survey results? A committee member, a Board member, your CAM, a staff member, etc.
HOW long will it take to compile results and how will those results be disseminated?
Are all questions and multiple-choice answers constructed objectively?
Do any questions or multiple-choice answers imply a bias?
Do any questions collect personally identifiable information? If so:
who will have access to the personally identifiable information?
how will that information be handled to ensure the privacy of the respondents?