Common interest communities frequently ask about regulating emotional support animals and pets.

Federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of a disability and requires accommodation of assistive animals which may require REASONABLE exceptions to governance that otherwise prohibits animals within a common interest community.  This includes Emotional Support Animals (ESAs).


Example Declaration Language: Animals & Pets

1. No Residential User or Commercial User may keep more than three small animals, such as dogs or cats in a Unit.

2. Pets will not be allowed on any Common Elements unless they are on a leash, in a crate or other container and accompanied by their owner.

3. The Board may require the removal of any animal which is a nuisance or annoyance to neighbors, after Notice and an Opportunity to be Heard.

4. The Board may adopt other reasonable rules and regulations regarding animals, including establishing a fee schedule related to Pets.

Example Rules & Regulations Language: Animals & Pets

Assistance Animals Flow Chart
CAI Press - Pets in Community Associations
CAI Press- Pet Policies
Phirefly the Birman