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Journals & ACADEMIC Research
Building Community in CICs: The Promise of the Restatement (Third) of Servitudes
Making Common Interest Communities Work: The Next Step
Privatization and Its Discontents: CICs and the Rise of Government for "the Nice"
Does It Take a Village: Privatization, Patterns of Restrictiveness and the Demise of Community
Remedies for Common Interest Development Rule Violations
In Search of the Middle-Ground: Protecting the Existing Rights of Prior Purchasers in CICs
Critical Assessment: The Financial Role of Community Associations
Common Interest Communities: Private Governments and the Public Interest
Public Communities, Private Rules
Co-opted Living: As condos and other CICs proliferate, so do rules and conflicts...
Highlights of the New Restatement (Third) of Property: Servitudes
Reinvention Redux: Continuing the Evolution of Master-Planned Communities
Residential Common Interest Developments - An Overview
Determinants of Neighborhood Satisfaction and Perception of Neighborhood Reputation