Can you see the forest through the trees of your reserve study?
This survey asked participants to discuss their experiences related to common interest community (CIC) reserve funds and reserve study engagement.
2022 CIC Reserve Questionnaire - QUICK STATS
19% of respondents assume a rate of return greater than 3% over the next 30 years
36% of respondents plan to increase reserve contributions in reaction to inflationary pressures
70% of respondents have a 2% to 4% annual contribution inflation rate over the next 30 years
55% of respondents do not have a written policy guidelines for reserve funds
47% of respondents project their reserve will be greater than 75% fully funded in 30 years
55% of respondents currently use a 3% annual component inflation rate
57% of respondents use a spreadsheet tool to help manipulate and better understand their data
36% of respondents indicate their reserve study excludes components
nearly two dozen relatively expensive components are commonly excluded
23% of respondents do not recommend their reserve study vendor
19% of respondents never engage specific third-party experts to help inform their reserve studies
77% of respondents have one or more volunteers dedicate time to reserve study updates